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All Posts By Barton Morris

Revised MMFLA Application Forms: What You Should Know

The Michigan Regulatory Agency (MRA) recently made revisions to the MMFLA Application Forms in order to streamline the application intake, review and approval process. The MRA is continuing to utilize a two-step applicatio…

How to Start an LLC in Michigan

A limited liability company (LLC) is defined as a simple business structure. LLCs combine characteristics of a partnership, sole proprietorship and corporation but remains an unincorporated association. In this article, we…

Identifying and Disclosing your Cannabusiness’ “Managerial Employees”

After obtaining a cannabis business license, maintaining a stellar track record of compliance with the laws and rules is essential​ to your company’s continued success. To achieve this goal, your company must know all appl…

Looking Beyond the Paperwork: Corporate Governance Practices

Operating agreements​, ​bylaws​, corporate books and meeting minutes. These are the basic documents when people think of “corporate governance.” After all, they define the structure of the company and how the busines…

Three Economic Benefits of the Hemp Industry

As a dominant crop in the colonial times, hemp is a renewable resource that refines into textiles, paper, beauty products and more. However, the industry’s steam diminished with the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act o…

When Should I Update my Cannabusiness Bylaws?

Bylaws are written by or on behalf of a corporation’s owners at the time of its founding. However, even if these are the rules that direct the company’s operations, they’re typically not revisited unless …

The Ongoing Battle Between Caregivers and Municipalities

Ever since the adoption of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) in 2008, an ongoing battle has brewed between caregivers and municipalities in Michigan. The issue? Whether a medical marijuana caregiver who follows Mic…

How Securities Law Affects Your Cannabusiness

When filing an application for a cannabusiness facility license from the state, the Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) requires a copy of the LLC’s Operating Agreement or corporation’s Bylaws. This is to review …

Policy for CBD and Hemp Trademark Registrations

CBD and hemp are becoming more and more mainstream with more people looking to buy CBD oil than ever before. Especially as they can buy full spectrum CBD from CVS, Walgreens, and other brick and mortar locations. CBD and h…
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