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The Cannabis Legal Group has experience in representing both large multi-state operators as well as small businesses.

All Posts By Barton Morris

What Can I Do with a Marijuana Product if it Fails Testing?

The Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) released a technical bulletin on Friday, Nov. 15th to advise licensees on the process for dealing with a failed marijuana product(s).  When a marijuana product fails testing, a license…

MRA Approves Transfer of Marijuana Between Equivalent Licenses

Adult-use dispensaries will be open to sell marijuana product throughout Michigan potentially as early as Dec. 1st, 2019. On Nov. 13th, the Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) announced several exciting changes for those who…

Michigan Cannabis License 10 Percent Rule: What to Know

Are you familiar with the Michigan cannabis license 10 percent rule? What about the main cannabis license applicant? A supplemental cannabis license applicant? This article covers these important terms in great detail, as …

Annual Financial Statements Required by the MRA for FY 2019

UPDATE 3/20/2020: To all of our valued clients, we would like to update you on some very important matters affecting us all. Amid all the craziness and uncertainty surrounding your tax filing obligations, here is what we k…

Michigan Medical Marijuana Administrative Rule Changes

On Friday, Oct, 25th, 2019, the Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) amended the Administrative Rules for Michigan’s Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP). Below are the most important amendments for program participants: Reductio…

Federal Industrial Hemp Production Rules Released

Early last week, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the United States’ Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) legalized industrial hemp production rules. On Oct. 29th, 2019, the USDA est…

Adult-Use Marijuana License Application: What to Know

Are you thinking of filing an adult use marijuana license application? It’s a long, complex, and possibly expensive process. This article walks you through the steps. Do you need help filing an adult use marijuana li…

Employee Background Checks for Cannabis Business Licensees

On Oct. 9, 2019, the Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) released a bulletin advising all licensees on the hiring process of prospective employees. Can a licensee hire an employee with a felony? All licenses, including adult…

How Do I Get Into the Michigan Cannabis Industry?

The Michigan cannabis industry is booming. One of the most common questions we get is, “how do I start a Michigan cannabis business” This article answers that question and more. The legal marijuana industry is …
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